Spring photo tour of St. Jakob am Thurn

Spring hike from St. Jakob to Wiestal

by Barbara / 20. Mai 2021 / Excursions
Frühlingshafter Blick auf die Wallfahrtskriche St. Jakob ©TVB Puch

Spring hike from St. Jakob via the Schönalm to Wiestal

The last patches of snow have finally left us completely and the springtime temperatures in Salzburg entice us to hop onto our bicycles or hike in the mountains. Many get their garden or balcony in shape for spring, though also basking in the first hours of beautiful sunshine stretched out on a sunchair.

Enjoy spring in Salzburg and relax in our beautiful nature! In this article, I am happy to show you just how beautiful springtime in St. Jakob am Thurn and in Wiestal can be. We set out from the public car park next to the Vereinshaus in St. Jakob am Thurn.

Tip: All hiking paths with tour descriptions can be found in the interactive Tennengau Touring Map!

Hiking loop around the idyllic village lake in St. Jakob am Thurn

Passing Der Schützenwirt you can enjoy a leisurely stroll around the small village lake in St. Jakob am Thurn. Through the leafed-out trees, it now becomes increasingly difficult to find a clear view of the St. James the Greater parish church and the castle tower. Though when you reach a popular bench, you will be guaranteed a unique perspective.

Weiher St. Jakob am Thurn  ©TVB Puch

Castle Tower in St. Jakob am Thurn

A special ambience greets you at the castle tower. The old walls and lush green colors surrounding it, along with the vivid blossoms, are simply perfect for a spring photograph.  If you look closely, beyond the hedges you can make out the Untersberg, while you will also be able to snap a great shot of the sunset.

Sonnenuntergang beim Schlossturm St. Jakob ©TVB Puch

Hiking above St. Jakob am Thurn

From St. Jakob, you can walk along the Rosenkranzweg back to Puch, or uphill via the Vollererhof to the Schönalm, continuing to the  Erentrudisalm. Here, I am showing you some pictures of my tour from St. Jakob via Kainzreith, where you frequently have an amazing view of the Untersberg. Kneel down and immerse yourself in the flowery meadows, creating a beautiful spring frame. And don’t be shy – sometimes a person just has to lie down to get that perfect shot!

Frühlingsblick auf den Untersberg ©TVB Puch

Spring hike from St. Jakob through Wiestal to the Schönalm

Passing the Thiersteiggut, a forestry lane leads you to the Hochstadl, where you are greeted by a magnificent panorama. To your right, a path brings you to Kurhotel Vollererhof.

Wandern St. Jakob ©TVB Puch

Uphill to the left, a hiking path takes you to the beautiful Hubertus Chapel on the Schönalm, or even farther to the Erentrudisalm in Elsbethen. From the Schönalm, you can hike all the way to the Wiestalstausee or return via the Hochstadl to Kurhotel Vollererhof.

Schönalm ©TVB Puch

Tip: at the Vollererhof are 3 other hiking paths: BLUE takes you around the wildlife feeding station, YELLOW takes you to Tratten and back, while RED offers a short hiking tour via the Hochstadl.

Rundwanderwege Vollererhof ©TVB Puch

Off to beautiful Wiesental

At the Vollererhof, follow the marked hiking path via "Kugelgarten" to St. Jakob am Thurn or hike past the farmhouse to the wildlife enclosure where, at the first trail fork, a hiking sign indicates the way to Wiestal.

Frühlingsblick ins Wiestal ©TVB Puch

Above the Karrergut, you can sit on a bench and enjoy the view of Wiestal, after which the path brings you to "Tratten". From here, you can continue your hike over the Eberstein to Puch or, after the trailside altar, walk down to "Gasteig". From there, the shorter path leads down a paved road via Bleiwald to St. Jakob.

Tratten Untersbergblick ©TVB Puch

If you prefer a path or lane through forest, go a little farther uphill to the "Kugelgarten" turn-off, then enjoy a relaxing hike, with no traffic in sight, via the Pointgut back to St. Jakob.

Untersbergblick Kugelgarten ©TVB Puch

Sunset in St. Jakob am Thurn

Back in St. Jakob am Thurn, you can sit next to the babbling fountain on the church square and allow images of your hikes to float through your mind one more time. Especially if the sun happens to be setting, the special atmosphere here is a great way to conclude your excursion.

Tip: Wind down your evening wonderfully at Der Schützenwirt

Sunset Wallfahrtskirche St. Jakob ©TVB Puch

More photos & current info on Instagram

Did you enjoy my spring photos from St. Jakob am Thurn and Wiestal? More of my photos and videos from Puch & surrounding areas can be found on Instagram at @visitpuch or in my magazine articles.

Ihr fotografiert auch gerne und habt Bilder aus Puch, St. Jakob am Thurn, Urstein und Hinterwiestal? Dann sendet mir eine E-Mail oder verlinkt @visitpuch auf Instagram. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Impressionen von Euren Wanderungen durch Puch.

Hier geht`s nach St. Jakob am Thurn

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