Pictures & Press

Media service & current information from Puch bei Salzburg

Are you looking for pictures from Puch, St. Jakob am Thurn, Urstein or Hinterwiestal? Find the right photographic materials here to promote “Puch bei Salzburg”. General information can be found in our press text.

If you have questions, please contact Puch Tourist Office or simply send us an E-Mail.

Conditions of Use

Here, we offer commission-free downloadable photos from Puch, St. Jakob am Thurn, Urstein and Hinterwiestal. The photos are available to you free of charge for tourism and reporting purposes. Use of these materials other than for tourism purposes, i.e. for third-party resale or advertising, is not permitted other than with the expressed consent of the photographer in question.

If you use photos, you must cite the copyright as “©Tourismusverband Puch” along with the name of the photographer/owner if available.